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只要不斷努力 就能活出真我的風采 你 我 都可以是藥學劉德華 - Always 劉德華世界巡迴演唱會 2013 - |
iPhone 傳來了一位學姊的關心與鼓勵
謝謝學姊的鼓勵與肯定,我會繼續加油的 ^_^
照例,每年年底 ADA 都會偷偷先發表隔年的治療建議(是友善的 "Recommendations",而不是強勢的 "guidance" 唷),所以在上週,ADA 也發佈了 2014 年的治療建議:
Diabetes Care January 2014; 37 (Suppl 1)
相信大家都已經熟知了 ADA 2013 年的內容,而新版本更動並不大,主要有以下幾點:
1. 近幾年來普遍建議當親屬患有 Type 1 DM 時,病患可考慮轉介至門診進行評估檢查,2014 版提到,根據芬蘭、德國的臨床研究指出,islet autoantibodies 的出現可能是發病的前兆 (~70% developed T1DM w/ 10 yrs, 84% w/ 15 yrs);因此,T1DM 之高風險者可能可以安排追蹤檢查。[1, 2]
Screening for Type 1 Diabetes was revised to include more specific recommendations, specifically screening for relatives at a clinical research center.
2. 先前用以診斷妊娠糖尿病 (GDM) 通常是以 IADPSG - "One-Step" 為標準,新版則建議某些病患可以選用 NIH 制定的 "Two-Step" 診察方式
Detection & Diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus was revised to reflect the recent NIH Consensus Guidelines and to provide two methods for screening and diagnosing (vs. the prior Standards that recommended the IADPSG method).
- 雖說 Two-Step 有許多優點:如 step 1 的 50-g GLT 不需要禁食、胎兒妊娠影響較少(減少巨嬰症、胎兒過大、妊娠肩難產,與小產機率)
- NIH - "Two-Step" 對於 GDM 風險較高的孕婦,似乎相較安全
- 但目前缺乏證據來判斷 IADPSG vs. NIH 究竟哪個比較好
3. 根據 ASPIRE trial 研究結果提到「人工胰臟 (artificial pancreas)」的技術 - 當以 continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) 合併偵測到低血糖時自動投予 insulin 的方式時,可以減低夜間低血糖等風險 [3]
Glucose Monitoring was revised to add additional continuous glucose monitoring language, reflecting the recent approval of a sensor-augmented low glucose suspend threshold pump for those with frequent nocturnal hypoglycemia and/or hypoglycemia unawareness.
4. 對於 T2DM 病患,當使用非胰島素藥物進行單一治療失敗達 3 個月時,應調整治療方案(舊版為 3 - 6 個月)
Pharmacological Therapy for Hyperglycemia in T2DM was changed from 3–6 months to 3 months for a trial with noninsulin monotherapy.
5. 抗血小板治療 - 以較廣義的 "dual antiplatelet therapy" (aspirin + P2Y12 antagonist (clopidogrel, ticagrelor, or prasugrel)),來取代舊版較狹義的 "combination therapy with aspirin & clopidogrel"
Antiplatelet Agents was revised to recommend more general therapy (i.e., dual antiplatelet therapy versus combination therapy with aspirin and clopidogrel).
6. 腎病變 - 取消 " microalbuminuria " 與 " macroalbuminuria " 的字彙,改以 albuminuria 30 - 299 或 > or = 300 mg/24 h 作為區別
Nephropathy was revised to remove terms “microalbuminuria” and “macroalbuminuria,” which were replaced with albuminuria 30–299 mg/24 h (previously microalbuminuria) and albuminuria > or = 300 mg/24 h (previously macroalbuminuria).
7. 視網膜病變 - 若無視網膜病變病徵者,建議每 2 年追蹤檢查一次(舊版為每 2 - 3 年追蹤一次)
Retinopathy was revised to recommend exams every 2 years versus 2–3 years, if no retinopathy is present.
8. 神經病變 - 新版對神經疼痛之治療有更詳細的描述
Neuropathy was revised to provide more descriptive treatment options for neuropathic pain.
9. 因應這年來發表的研究,更新腹腔性疾病 (celiac disease) 與甲狀腺機能檢測之建議內容
Diabetes Care in Specific Populations was updated to reflect current standards for thyroid and celiac screening. Additionally, new incidence and prevalence data from SEARCH were incorporated.